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Genius Architectural Wall; elegant wall system in an office space at Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, perfect for private offices and conference rooms

Wisconsin Institute of Discovery


Madison, WI

Modified Solutions Encourage Collaboration and Social Interaction

In planning for its new building, the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery (WID) wanted an architecture and interior design that reinforced a collaborative nature and social interaction. It wanted to draw the public into the science building.

“KI brought to the table a willingness to work with us and understand that we wanted more than just a traditional office environment,” said George Austin, Wisconsin Institute of Discovery Project Director.

As Austin and the project team worked through the interiors, it became apparent that standard furniture offerings were not going to meet the design intent. That is when KI introduced WID to its Infinity process. Through this process, KI helped WID modify an existing systems product, WireWorks®, with custom veneer panels and top trim to achieve a high-end casegoods look. The personalized solution provided the benefits of a modular system that can route power and be reconfigured much easier than a traditional casegoods solution ever could be.


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